December 11
“There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge... with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth;...Righteousness shall be the belt of his waist... The wolf shall dwell with the lamb... and a lile child shall lead them... The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder’s den. In that day the root of Jesse, who shall stand as a signal for the peoples —of him shall the nations inquire, and his resting place shall be glorious...” -Isaiah 11.1-9
The imagery here is of a felled tree. The axe of divine judgment fell on the forest-like people of Assyria (Isaiah 10:33-34) which provides the perfect foil for the shoot of the Messiah. The Majestic One has cut the arrogant boughs off the tree of Assyria and brought its loy arrogance low with His great might.
In sharp contrast, the Davidic dynasty looks like a stump at this point (Isaiah 6:13). For when Christ was born that dynasty had been without power for nearly six hundred years. This expected King is described as the shoot and root of Jesse. This is a shocking reference. For most kings were compared with their father David (2 Kings 18:3) but no king was equivalent to David or to the Son of Jesse. Among, the kings, David is the only king referred to as the son of Jesse (1 Sam 20:27-33). This expected King is called the Root of Jesse, which means that Jesse sprang from Him.
This expected King is endowed with the Spirit of the Lord as were Moses, Joshua, and David before Him. His rule will be magnificently righteous, delighting in the fear of the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord rests upon Him. Consequently, the world which He governs will be graphically peaceful. The world He reigns is absolutely and completely re-ordered and transformed. The entire earth is besotted with the fruit of the Spirit. In fact, the world looks a lot like Eden. The hostilities of predator and prey are abolished. The world is saturated with the peace of God. So secure is the peace on earth that a youngster can rightfully exercise dominion by playing over the whole of the cobra because everyone knows the Lord.
Everywhere God is present in holiness and in every place His magnanimity is enjoyed to its fullest extent.
The imagery here is of a felled tree. The axe of divine judgment fell on the forest-like people of Assyria (Isaiah 10:33-34) which provides the perfect foil for the shoot of the Messiah. The Majestic One has cut the arrogant boughs off the tree of Assyria and brought its loy arrogance low with His great might.
In sharp contrast, the Davidic dynasty looks like a stump at this point (Isaiah 6:13). For when Christ was born that dynasty had been without power for nearly six hundred years. This expected King is described as the shoot and root of Jesse. This is a shocking reference. For most kings were compared with their father David (2 Kings 18:3) but no king was equivalent to David or to the Son of Jesse. Among, the kings, David is the only king referred to as the son of Jesse (1 Sam 20:27-33). This expected King is called the Root of Jesse, which means that Jesse sprang from Him.
This expected King is endowed with the Spirit of the Lord as were Moses, Joshua, and David before Him. His rule will be magnificently righteous, delighting in the fear of the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord rests upon Him. Consequently, the world which He governs will be graphically peaceful. The world He reigns is absolutely and completely re-ordered and transformed. The entire earth is besotted with the fruit of the Spirit. In fact, the world looks a lot like Eden. The hostilities of predator and prey are abolished. The world is saturated with the peace of God. So secure is the peace on earth that a youngster can rightfully exercise dominion by playing over the whole of the cobra because everyone knows the Lord.
Everywhere God is present in holiness and in every place His magnanimity is enjoyed to its fullest extent.